Gladstone Tech Preview


Gladstone Technology Preview is intended to give our users a chance to try out the new features to be included in our upcoming releases and provide us feedback.

What’s included in this Tech Preview

This version of Tech Preview includes enhancements for standalone ehcache only.

  • Terracotta Management Console. A new web-based monitoring and administration tool for standalone Ehcache applications. This replaces Ehcache Monitor and provides an enhanced user interface focused on ease of use in managing your Ehcache deployments.
  • Fast Restartabilty. Standalone Ehcache now has support for full fault tolerance using new Fast Restartability (from disk). This allows for continuous accessibility of previously cached data after a planned or unplanned shutdown.
  • Search. All Ehcache search features are now available for BigMemory in standalone mode. Various performance improvements and support for “GroupBy” expression is now available.

Upcoming updates to this Tech Preview will contain features for distributed or clustered mode as well. Stay tuned.

How to get started

  1. After downloading the archive (Gladstone-Tech-Preview.tar.gz), uncompress and untar the file. After doing so, you will see the following files in the distribution - ehcache-core-ee-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT, README.txt, and terracotta-license.key.
  2. Click here for instructions on trying out the Terracotta Management Console.
  3. For instructions on other enhancements including Restartability and Search, please refer to the respective links to documentation on


Please email any questions or any feedback you have regarding the Technology Preview to pm